Hole In The Wall and Octopus Islands

Located on the northeast side of Quadra Island off of Okisollo Channel at
50° 16' 39.75" N, 125° 13' 33.62" W.

They can be approached from Discovery Passage by following Okisollo Channel, or from Calm Channel through Hole In The Wall, or from the north end of the Strait of Georgia by following Hoskyn Channel. The Hoskyn Channel route traverses Surge Narrows which should be taken at slack current. Likewise the Hole In The Wall route should also be taken at slack current. The Okisollo Channel route traverses the Lower and Upper Rapids and should be done at slack current as well.

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Octopus Islands Marine Park


The QE Too Anchored in Octopus Islands


East Entrance to Hole In The Wall

Inside Hole In The Wall

Anchored in Octopus Islands

Sail Boat With Stern-to Tie

QE Too Anchored in Octopus Islands

QE Too Stern-To Tie in Octopus Islands

Calm Anchorage in Octopus Islands

Calm Anchorage in Octopus Islands

Doing a Stern-To Tie

Anchored in Octopus Islands

Kayakers Landing in Octopus Islands

Kayakers Leaving Octopus Island

Channel into Octopus Islands
Cruising Distances
From Octopus Islands
(in nautical miles) Route
Blind Channel 20.7 via Okisollo Channel
and Discovery Passage
Big Bay 9.4 via Hole In The Wall
Heriot Bay 13.5 via Surge Narrows
Refuge Cove 22.6 via Hole In The Wall
Walch Cove 21.0 via Hole In The Wall

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