Princess Louisa Inlet

Princess Louisa Inlet is located near the end of Queens Reach in Jervis Inlet, an approximately 35 nautical mile fjord starting 21 nautical miles from the east side midpoint on the Strait of Georgia. The end of Princess Louisa Inlet is located at 50° 12' 15.93" N, 123° 46' 08.05" W.
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Driftwood Encountered in Jervis Inlet

Entering Princess Louisa Inlet

Chatterbox Falls in Princess Louisa Inlet

Dock in Princess Louisa Inlet

Cruising Distances
From Princess Louisa Inlet
(in nautical miles)  
Egmont 34.3  
Pender Harbour 44.9  
Malibu Rapids 4.1 from the dock
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